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Post-Harvest SOP and QC Consulting/Advising

While at Boveda, Matt was exposed to best practices for Post-Harvest Storage and Front-End Packaging SOPs. He has used that knowledge and insight to help Cannabis operators provide the best quality cannabis to consumers, while maximizing and maintaining harvested yield for operators throughout the supply chain. Matt is excited to continue helping Cannabis industry operators in NY and the Tri-state area, build their businesses by helping them to provide the highest QUALITY at its maximum QUANTITY.



Moisture evaporation is the biggest profit killer in the Cannabis Industry that no one talks about. As the water activity (aW) drops from the desired .58-.62 range to below .55 aW, your flower starts to lose quantity AND quality. You can lose anywhere from ~7 to over 22 grams of moisture, or sellable flower weight, across 1 LB of cannabis depending on how low it goes. And on top of that loss of money, when stored below .55 aW, cannabis quality starts to diminish. Below .55 aW, or 55% RH, trichomes in the cannabis start flaking and degrading, causing the terpenes held inside them to start off-gassing. Once they off-gas into the headspace and surrounding air, they are gone forever, never to return. The ONLY way to keep the maximized quantity of your cannabis at its highest quality is through proper Moisture Management throughout the supply chain, from Cure to Consumption.



Moisture = Weight = $$


Moisture = Preserved Trichome Health = Terps Stay in Trichome Head = More $$ because better product


Quality Control through Moisture Management protects Quantity AND Quality


Getting this right, reclaiming and retaining water weight shrinkage, could very well be the difference between staying alive or not.


Shrinkage, just like a basil plant pod you buy at the store, comes with a soil pod at the bottom. That's Moisture Management!
- It’s not Moisture Management, it’s actually a form of Quality Control. - It's not just Moisture Management, it's an important form of Quality Control.


It’s not Moisture Management, it’s actually a form of Quality Control. And quality lives at every step of the business value chain.

Services Summation:

  • R&D Scientist-Developed Scientific Method and Test Procedures

  • On-Site/In-Facility Water Activity Tests with State-of-the-Art (Industry Standard?) Equipment (# of tests depends on length = half-day [~10 tests] or full-day [~20 tests] consult)

  • Result outcomes equal one of two things:

  1. If test results are in the correct range (.58-.62 aW or 58-62% RH), will confirm/verify Back-End Storage QA/QM processes are doing what they’re intended to do from a Moisture Management standpoint.

  2. Test results are not in the correct range, and will show opportunities to fix & reclaim value through recommended solutions

  • Good/Better/Best SOP Recommendations for Back-End Storage and Front-End Packaging

  • Leak-down testing for storage containers

  • Secret Shopper Testing - Go to x# of shops across state > purchase and test packaged flower > verify process is working OR provide feedback + items to improve on

    • This could go deeper into a Secret Shopper review of customer service SOPs + Feedback Opps and plans from prior experience at Enterprise. 

      • Testing efficiency of diff pick up methods - Delivery/Pick-Up/Walk-In/Drive Through

  • Employee Training + Education on Moisture Management

Half Day Services

  • Water Activity (aW) & Moisture Management Education Overview

  • Includes ~8-10 Water Activity Tests 

  • Each Test Requires ~ .5 gram & Test Accuracy +/- .02 

  • Back-End Storage + Front-End Packaging SOP Recommendations

  • Written Report w/ aW Test Results, SOP Recommendations, and Visit Observations

Full Day Services

  • Water Activity (aW) & Moisture Management Education Overview

  • Includes ~16-20 Water Activity Tests

  • Each Test Requires ~ .5 gram & Test Accuracy +/- .02 

  • Back-End Storage + Front-End Packaging SOP Recommendations

  • Written Report w/ aW Test Results, SOP Recommendations, and Visit Observations

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